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Asset Performance Testing Services

Asset Performance Testing Services

Services associated with testing and analysing plant performance include providing independent, confidential and specialist testing and analysis for large industrial plant along with innovative solutions to complex plant-control, operation, performance and maintenance issue.

hrl: provides a suite of services and strategies for evaluating and testing the performance of the diverse range of plants and facilities associated with power generation; mineral processing; and the cement, dairy, general manufacturing, pulp and paper, and petrochemical industries.

hrl: provides high-quality plant performance and analysis services. Testing services include measuring the pressure, temperature and flow of air, water, steam and dust-laden gases; and analysing collected particulate and gaseous samples.

hrl: process and performance engineers have many years experience in assessing plant performance. They are experienced in working in demanding environments, and in meeting the challenges associated with in-plant testing and sampling.

Team expertise is complemented by modern, quality accredited, laboratories and sophisticated high accuracy on-site equipment including specialist test techniques and equipment developed in house.

Performance testing

Testing services provided by hrl: can be used to evaluate plant performance including before and/or after an upgrade, or in relation to design or operational performance guarantees.

Combustion optimisation

Operating a boiler that is not optimised, or tuned, can result in one of more problems including reduced boiler efficiency.

hrl: provides datum testing to enable plant operators to understand their potential to improve boiler performance and availability, and reduce maintenance.

Customised solutions for challenging test conditions

Critical to effective optimisation of production processes is measuring improvements in process performance.

hrl: provides a variety of customised solutions to facilitate testing in challenging environments.

Desander technology
Operators of coal-fired plant face numerous challenges in burning high-ash coal.

hrl: can offer operators of coal-fired plant a cost-effective process to beneficiate such coal. Using desander technology, it is possible to decrease ash levels in the fuel before it is fired in the boiler.

Evaluating turbine-generator performance

Independent, expert, evaluation of plant performance can be used to determine the current condition and efficiency of steam turbine-generator units, condensers and feed-heating plant, and gas turbine-generator units. Such analysis can provide a marker against the rated performance of plant, or a guide to performance before or after a plant upgrade. The evaluation can also identify probable causes for plant under-performance.

hrl: personnel can evaluate plant performance against design specifications or guarantees, as well as providing diagnostic testing services to identify the likely causes of reduced plant performance.

ID fan capability
Sub-optimal induced draft (ID) fan performance can lead to short- and long-term issues.

hrl: can help plant operators by providing performance/acceptance testing, by auditing fan design and by undertaking process and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling.

Optimising combustion with multipoint gas analysis

Operators of coal-fired boilers can face challenges in optimising the performance of their plant. Traditionally, tuning air flows to optimise combustion involved several test-then-adjust cysles, with each test taking around two hours.

hrl: conducts comprehensive combustion optimisation tests usinga Multipoint Combustion Diagnostic Analyser (MCDA). This innovative approach shortens the test time to 15 minutes.

Power plant optimisation tools

Operators of coal-fired power stations face challenges optimising the performance of their plant. hrl: has developed a plant-optimisation tool that provides extensive date in easily-observable formats to assist plant operation personnel.

What Our Clients Say

"Going through the process of the energy audit was great for two main reasons. Firstly, it identified where we have information gaps and what we can start measuring to better understand our energy usage. Secondly, it independently identified and qu...

James Perrin
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Our Certifications


NATA accredited AtS/NZS ISO 17025, AS/NZS ISO 17020NATA Accredited Laboratories number 561

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 Quality Management certified by BSI under certificate number FS605116.