Waste Analysis
What Sort of Wastes?
- MSW (Municipal Solids Waste), green waste, paper and cardboard waste and waste plastic
- Contaminated soils and hazardous wastes
- Commercial - C&I (Commercial and Industrial), C&D (Construction and Demolition) and RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel)
- Motor industry - waste tyres and shredder floc
- Minerals industry - tailings and fines, steel milling waste
- Coal industry - fly ash and coal tailings
- Agricultural - biomass, woodchips and sawdust, chicken litter, animal manure, food waste
Why Develop a Waste Solution?
- Reduce waste disposal volumes and costs
- Optimise the use of a waste in an existing process
- Identify alternative uses for wastes
- Convert a waste or by-product into a higher value product
- Offset natural gas, LPG or electricity costs
- Convert a waste into a form that can be utilised in a downstream process
- Alleviate safety and environmental risks in storage, utilisation, and disposal of wastes
Services we offer
- Waste sampling and characterisation, analysis, certification, ash disposal assessment
- Identify and evaluate waste solutions
- Laboratory and pilot scale process simulation and development
- Assistance with approvals, certification and trial burns
- Environmental emissions measurements and stack sampling
- Greenhouse and energy auditing and report
- Briquetting and agglomeration
- Scaled project development and implementation
Example projects
- Thermal treatment of contaminated soils
- Converting food waste into activated carbon
- Evaluating use of RDF in cement kilns
- Converting C&D timber into hot water for heating greenhouses
- Alternative waste options study for a local council
- Natural gas replacement using waste biomass
- Dioxins and furans emissions measurements in the paper industry
- Briquetting coal tailings to produce a value-added product for export