expertise in action

Physical Analysis

Determining the physical quantities of materials used in product production or plant, and created during the production process  - including emissions - can be critical for many industries and operations. Such physical qualities can impact on plant efficiency and life, product quality and the nature and extent of emissions.


HRL's expert physical analysis services include analysing:

  • particle size by laser scattering and sieving
  • rheology (viscosity)
  • density - apparent, true and bulk
  • surface area
  • pore size and distribution

The spectrum of materials tested by HRL includes:

  • filters
  • coal
  • char
  • oils
  • food
  • fuels
  • biomass
  • minerals

HRL provides expert physical analysis services from its state­ of­ the art laboratories for a range of industries including:

  • energy generation
  • waste management and recycling
  • water treatment
  • resources extraction and processing
  • food processing
  • manufacturing
  • electricity generation
  • coal
  • mining


HRL expertise and experience in undertaking physical analysis can benefit your organisation by:

  • providing an independent and reliable expert service
  • a sound scientific base for management decisions
  • helping to maintain product quality assurance and safety
  • helping to maintain assets and maximise asset life

What Our Clients Say

"For certain alleged foreign matter complaints in our products we need not only the analytical services provided by the lab there at HRL, but particularly the expert opinion of scientists such as Greg Richards to give an independent opinion on the ...

Andrew Penncuick
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Our Certifications


NATA accredited AtS/NZS ISO 17025, AS/NZS ISO 17020NATA Accredited Laboratories number 561

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 Quality Management certified by BSI under certificate number FS605116.